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Interested in Him

Week 7

Your interests?

Last Thursday we talked about talents. This week, write down on a piece of paper what some of your favorite things are. What are you interested in or passionate about? What do you love to do? 

Some of the things you probably said are playing outside, going swimming, playing with a pet, reading books, or even enjoying your favorite toy. Whatever you chose to write, we know that these things bring us joy and make us happy. BUT something you may have not written down is Jesus. As Christians, we are called to be interested in the gospel. The gospel is God's gift for humanity, and Jesus is at the very center of it. 

Interested in the Gospel!

We've learned that Jesus paid a very high price for you to be called children of God. Think about that! Sons and Daughters of Christ. We know that we needed to be saved from a heart that rejected God. We are born sinners and naturally love ourselves and the things WE want to do. It's all about me, me, me, and me. Because of this, we are not even interested in what God likes!

But, when we accept Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, He comes into our hearts and changes us from the inside out! After we accept Him, we learn to do the things that interest God. When we follow the things that are good and pleasing to God, it guides our life. The best thing in life, better than cotton candy is that God showed passion for his creation (that's us!)

To learn how we should live, we must look at how Jesus lived when we walked on earth. Did you know Jesus walked the earth fully human and fully God? It's amazing, isn't it? When Jesus walked his first and only interest was to glorify God the Father. Both in life: when he walked and in death: when he died on the cross, he did so for the glory of God the Father. 

The Apostle Paul makes a statement in Phillipians 2:21. He says," for everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ." So how do we know what interests Jesus? 


It's in his Word! In the bible, we learn about Jesus' life and his teachings, where we see what Jesus cares about, what he loves, what he stands for, and what he values. One example is in Matthew 22:37, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." 

So, is it bad to have interests like going swimming or watching movies? Of course not. 

But it's important to be interested in what God is interested in. We must love Him and what he loves!

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