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The Samaritan Woman Meets Jesus: The Living Water

Week 10

One of the most profound interactions with a woman and Jesus in the bible occurred at a well. This Samaritan woman, although unnamed, met Jesus who gave her name and identity in Christ!

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But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.

John 4:14

Key points from the scripture:

  • The woman was shocked that a Jewish man would speak openly to a Samaritan woman

  • The woman thought Jesus talking about physical thirst and physical water (the water we drink)

  • Jesus was talking about a thirst for God that can only be satisfied by living water

  • This woman needed what only Jesus could provide (and so do we!)


Imagine you are visiting with a friend, playing outside, and they ask if you would like something to drink.

 It is hot and you are so thirsty! 

You say, "Yes, I would-what do you have?"

Your friend says, "We have soda or water."

Which drink would you choose? 

Most of you probably said soda. Which, I will admit, tastes pretty good, but if you really want to quench your thirst in a way that will satisfy your body, it would have to be with a nice, cold cup of water!

In the same way, Christ is saying temporary things will not satisfy our thirst! Things like money or clothes-those are things that will not truly satisfy our needs. Instead, having Jesus in our hearts will give us permanent joy!


In the lesson today, Jesus teaches us the most important lesson about drinking water that we will ever learn! The bible teaches us that we have a thirst in our heart for the living God that only Jesus can satisfy. Many people don't realize that they need a savior, but they do and only Christ can satisfy our needs. Now we keep using this word satisfy-what does it mean?

In this context, satisfy means to fulfill or to accomplish. So, when we have Jesus in our heart, he totally fulfills our thirst for God and we will never thirst again!

Let's also take note that Jesus was speaking to someone whom most people did not speak to. Her status was lower as a woman, and her people did not talk to Jesus's people often. However, Christ shows us that the gospel is for everyone. No matter the race, gender, or even social status, Christ died for the salvation of ANYONE who would believe.


Dear Father, we thank you for sending Jesus, the Living Water. We pray that each one here today will drink of that Living Water so that they will never thirst again. Thank you because the gospel is for all people no matter their race or gender, you invite all to believe. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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