Who were Aquila and Priscilla?
Week 13
LET'S READ ACTS 18:1-4, 18-28

As we enter the story, we see that Paul is continuing to venture out on his missionary journey. In Corinth, Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla who was a married couple. They were tentmakers, and because Paul knew how to make tents also, he stayed with them and they worked together. The three also spread the Word of God together, sharing the good news with others. The ruler at the time had commanded the Jews to leave Rome, so Priscilla and Aquila ended up at Ephesus, where Paul left them there to teach.
Who were they?

The Roman government required leather tents for housing its military bases all over the empire! Paul's tentmaking skills not only provided him with a means to support himself but also allowed him to meet and work with two other believers who loved the Lord.
Did you know?
We see in the later verses that they helped teach a Jew named Apollos who was knowledgeable of the Scriptures but didn't know everything about the ways of God. God used them to teach Apollos and affirm the truth of the gospel! Sharing God's word is something we have to do as believers. As the light in the darkness, we have a responsibility to pray for others, share the good news, and to love our neighbor!
Although their story seems like a small piece of the bible, let's remember that the bible is all about one story: it is about Jesus Christ! So, let's be encouraged by this couple's love for God and passion for sharing his word.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.