Week 11
Proverbs 4:1
"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding."
Although this is a short reading today, we can learn so much from this verse:
LISTEN: Listening isn't always just hearing something. Listening is about observing and being attentive. Listening is how we receive instruction, and after we receive it, there is always a response.
TO YOUR FATHER'S INSTRUCTION: Our parents are in our lives to guide us. Because today is Father's Day, let's talk more about the role of our dad's. Now, some of us have homes that look differently. Maybe you look up your uncle, godfather, or someone else in your life that might take on a father role. Most of us can say that our dads teach us important life lessons, corrects us when we are wrong, and loves us unconditionally. Our fathers are placed in our lives to help guide us.
PAY ATTENTION: Paying attention is the next step after listening. Paying attention means we are noticing what is taught and we are holding it close to our hearts. When you pay close attention, you will remember what you have learned.
GAIN UNDERSTANDING: After we listen and pay attention, we are able to gain more knowledge. Not only are we learning more, but we will then apply the instruction to our lives. This is called wisdom! Then, as we get older, we can teach others about the important lessons that are dad's taught us.
While we celebrate Father's Day, let's thank God for their guidance and teachings in our lives. God has blessed most of you with a Godly father, and he has commanded you to show him honor and respect. You should also remember to pray for your father and ask God to give him the wisdom he needs to train you in the way that God wants you to grow. Say thank you to your dad for his hard work, for taking care of you, and for setting an example for you to follow!