Week 3
Virtues: showing high moral standards
Morals: to understand what is right or wrong and apply it to your life
Words to know
Can you think of some examples of virtues?
1. Do you have these virtues in your life? Please explain by giving an example
2. Do you think it's good to have these virtues as part of your life? Why?
3. Have you ever displayed one of these virtues? How?
Once upon a time you were a baby in our mommy’s belly for 9 months. Then you were born, and your parents were so happy to finally see you and hold you for the first time. It was one of the happiest days of their lives. They hugged and gave you kisses and took pictures of you. They felt ready to love you and teach you everything they can so you can prosper. As you got older you started to walk and talk and needed to be taught certain rules to help you stay safe.
Because you were so curious, you might've wanted to play with the electrical outlets, and knowing you can get hurt, your parents would say "NO! Don’t touch that!" Then, they installed outlet covers to protect you. When friends would come over to visit and play with you, sometimes, you did not want them to play with your favorite toy, and your parents taught you a lesson by saying, “be nice and share with your friends”. Your parents taught you how to use your manners: to say please and thank you, to be kind, and to be honest."
Moms and dads try their best to teach you to have good moral values and virtues. It is good to have these things because it makes everyone a better person. A good thing to wonder is: who taught the first people on earth what was right and wrong? Who taught them to love, share, be kind, be fair, be courageous and to have self-control? Where can we find the teachings of being moral, in other words to know what is correct and wrong? For example, we all know that stealing is wrong but where did this moral law come from?
You guessed it, Our Heavenly Father. He is Holy and just. He is courageous and fair. He is love and mercy. He shares his Son Jesus with us to forgive and save us.
Isaiah 55:7-8 says, "Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
We must understand that in the same way our parents teach us, because they love us, our Heavenly Father teaches those who love him and discipline them. Babies do not understand touching a hot pan on the stove will burn them. They need to be kept away and eventually taught safety. In the same way we need to be taught by the one who has the wisdom and understanding. The one who is Holy. The one who knows right from wrong. Yes Jesus! He is the only one who can teach us. His life is our example.

Steps to help you to be virtuous:
Reading the Bible, this is how we hear God's voice
Praying and asking the Holy Spirit to help us understand
Practice the virtues you learned from Jesus
Create friendships with people who also love Jesus
Look up a virtue color page on google and print or draw and color your own virtue that you like. These are some examples.