Who was Zaccheaus?
(Pronounced: Za-key-us)

Questions to reflect upon: If you answer yes or no, please answer why?
Do you need to go to the hospital if your well?
Should doctors help those who are sick?
If you are lost do you ask for directions?
Is it easy to get where you want to go knowing the way?
Read Luke 19:1-10

What are the facts about Zacchaeus: (True and False questions)
Get a piece of paper and write down numbers 1-10.
Answer T for true and F for false.
1. Zacchaeus was a very tall man. ______
2. Zacchaeus was very poor and did not work. __________
3. He was a chief collector and wealthy. __________
4. He climbed a pine tree to see who Jesus was. _________
5. Jesus saw him and said, “come down immediately, I must stay at your house today”. ______
6. The people were so happy Jesus was talking to a sinner and helping him. _____
7. Zacchaeus did not change his ways and collected even more taxes. _______
8. Zacchaeus repented from his bad actions and was saved by Jesus. ________
9. Zacchaeus was also a descendant of Abraham. ______
10. Jesus did not need to help Zacchaeus, he was doing what was noble. ______
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10)

Food for Thought
People hated the tax collectors because they would take more taxes than required by the government. They would get paid by the government, while collecting for themselves extra from the overcharging. They were called crooked and wicked for putting such a burden on the people.
When the people saw that Jesus called Zacchaeus by name and told him, “come down for I must stay at your house," the people did not understand why he was talking to such a wicked person. In their hearts, the tax collectors were the scum of the earth. If Jesus was the son of God and Holy, what could he possibly have in common with such a person. Why would he want to talk to a sick man?
Jesus taught the people and us a very important lesson: He said, “I came to help and save the lost.”
For those who are going in the wrong direction: He will be their guide and change their way of wrongdoing. The interesting thing is that, over what people thought of Zacchaeus and how much they hated him, Jesus saved him that day.
If you have understood and accepted Christ as your savior, you are "healthy in Jesus." But how do you maintain spiritual strength? You maintain your health by reading the bible, praying, helping others, being kind, and staying away from bad things that Jesus does not approve of.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, so we should tell others that are lost about Jesus. He is always ready and willing to come in the person's heart and bless them with salvation and direction like he did for Zacchaeus.