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Who was Lydia?

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)

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What do you think?

  • Do you think everyone should get to know Jesus? If so, why?


  • Have you ever personally shared Jesus to one of your friends? If so, who?

This story encourages us to SHARE the good news of Jesus with everyone because there are people who want to learn but do not have anyone to teach them. He always gives opportunities to share!

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What did you learn?

1. What was Lydia’s job? 

2. Where did Paul meet Lydia? 

3. What did Lydia and the people in her house do when they heard about Jesus? 

Through this story I hope you could see that God had a plan and used Paul as an instrument.

Paul listened to God and changed the direction of where he was initially going. The Spirit moved him to Philippi and he was able to share the gospel with Lydia. She was a worshipper and feared God, but did not know Jesus as her personal savior.


The scripture says: The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message (Acts 16:14). Lydia and her family received Jesus and were baptized. Lydia’s heart was transformed and was able to witness a miracle after accepting Jesus. She witnessed Paul being freed from persecution.


Although we do not know the rest of her story, the bible gives us an example of a person who wanted to obey God and honor him. Lydia did not know that the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. Lydia’s story is a testimony about God at work in the life of a person that is hungry to know him. We can have an impact on people all around us!

     In our prayers, we should ask God to help us be ready to share what Jesus did on the cross for us!

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"I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N"

Click on the musical note to listen and learn!

Did you know?

Purple cloth was very expensive. The reason it was so costly was that it was difficult to make. The dye for the cloth came from shellfish. Purple dye must be gathered drop by drop from the veins of certain shellfish found only in the area of the Mediterranean Sea. The little bit of juice was white while it was in the veins of the fish, but when it’s exposed to the sun, the liquid changed into bright purple and red colors. It took a lot of shellfish to dye to make one garment/cloth. This was for people who were rich in Roman times or people with high status in power.


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