Who was the Centurion?
Week 12
Before you start, take a few minutes to pray. Thank God for another day, and ask God to open your mind and heart to receive His word.
Luke 7:9
"When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, 'I tell you, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!"
What is a Centurion?
A Centurion is an officer in the Roman army that is responsible for the command of a century, this can be 60 to 100 men! This job carried a lot of responsibility.

In this story, you will read about healing, about faith, and about the importance of caring for those around us. Luke writes about a Centurion in the Roman army and how his faith in Jesus led to the healing of a simple servant.
What was the problem in the story?
What did the centurion ask Jesus to do?
What happened to the sick servant?
Why do you think Jesus was so impressed with the centurion?
What an amazing story. In verse 7, did you notice that the Centurion considered himself unworthy to have Jesus in his house or even to ask Jesus for help? The Centurion didn't think of himself as high and mighty, he knew that he was a sinner that didn't deserve Jesus's mercy. Yet, the centurion came to Jesus humbly and God was glorified through the healing of the servant. During this time, most people who were sick wanted Jesus to physically touch them so that they would be healed, but this Centurion believed that Jesus did not even have to physically touch him, rather he could just speak and it would be done. This story not only shows us an example of having great faith in Christ, but it shows us that nothing is impossible for Christ. His power is great, immeasurable, and unlimited!